Not sure any actually made it into his mouth! |
Well we pulled off the big surprise by showing up unexpectedly to schools and homes last weekend. My Grandma looked great for any age, much less 100. It was a short weekend but packed full of fun, so much so that Peyton with that huge heart of hers, did not want to leave her cousins! The first time that she was in tears leaving. It was fortunate (and just coincidental) that my niece Katie was "too sick" to go to school on Friday and when she showed up at Grandma's house in the morning to find us eating breakfast her jaw hit the floor. She wasn't too sick to spend the day playing with Peyton and Coleson though and so we went to Mooville for some ice cream. Then we showed up at the High School to surprise my oldest sister and my other niece. Jaw dropping must run in the family because they both had the same reaction. Then we headed over my nephew's school to surprise my other sister and the boys. They didn't necessarily have the same reaction (they are boys and play it a bit cooler) but none the less were happy to see Peyton and Coleson. All my nieces and nephews are so good with my kids. They spent the evening schooling Paul at basketball and playing on their scooters. We also surprised my grandma at her place on Friday as Saturday we predicted would be a bit overwhelming.
Looking Great at 100! |
Saturday was spent playing on the farm and Aunt Lorin's house until Party time. Lots of people showed up Hope Landing to celebrate both 100 birthdays. I don't think age is a topic they talk about much at Hope Landing so there were quite a few residents who were equally surprised by the special day. Saturday night was another basketball schooling and family fun. Sunday was short as we had to leave for the airport at 11:00.
Grandma Great and her Greats! |
And the with the Grands! |
Cool in Daddy's Shades! |
Did someone say Cake?! |
Coleson's last day of his first year of Pre-school was this week. Since there are kids moving on to Kindergarten next year they had a graduation and all the kids regardless of age/grade got to attend. I didn't use to be such a softy but I had tears in my eyes as they played the traditional graduation song and he accepted his diploma! Which he immediately tore. Peyton's last day of pre-school was last Thursday. They didn't have graduation but I too felt sad that she was leaving such a great school, Day Spring, and will be heading off to Kindergarten in the public school system next year. When we went to enroll her last week, she said she was very nervous about going to her new school. If I have to be honest, so am I! Looking forward to the 3 day weekend.
Coleson's story was featured on the ABC 15 website this past week to promote Be The Match Donor Registry.
http://www.abc15.com/news/be-the-match/blood-transplant-was-phoenix-3-year-olds-only-hope . I also attended a lecture from a Neuropsychologist sponsored by Genzyme, the company that distributes the Drug (Aldurazyme) that Coleson is infused with weekly. I got to meet another MPS I mother that I have only emailed with until now. Her son has the adolescent onset form of the disease and an adult women who has the adult onset form of the disease. It was good to connect with others in the valley (there are so few of us) that are living with disease. Well, that was our week! Hope you all enjoy or enjoyed your holiday weekend.
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