
Welcome to Coleson's blog. We've created it to keep friends and family updated on the journey we are about to embark on.. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement during this time when it matters most.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Be The Match 5K and TV Appearance

As many of you know and most of you probably assumed, my father passed away very peacefully soon after my last blog posting on October 6th.   There is so much more that I want to write about that but my Dad always said, “Life is for the Living” and our life is very busy,  so I will have to find another time to circle back around on that “chapter”….

What is keeping us busy these days is school, birthdays and the Be The Match 5k this Saturday.  First of all, Coleson started pre-school last week.  It was kind of chaotic with us being gone the 2 weeks prior but we managed to get all of the paperwork and IEP done for his first day.  He was a little off the first week on his sleep schedule being on Michigan
time still so the first 2 days he did shed some tears for 20-30 minutes when he was tired. By his 3rd day he only shed tears while dropping off and today was even better.  Drop offs are a bit chaotic and overwhelming so the teacher agreed we could hand him off to an aide who would take him immediately into the classroom so he could start playing  

We also had a joint birthday party for his 3rd and our friend Quinn’s 4th birthday.   We had it at his favorite place, Great Play.  It was amazing to watch him respond to the instructors requests to have the “birthday boys” lead certain activities or to sit in a specific location.  Since part of his developmental needs is in the receptive/responsive communication area, I feel like Great Play is a really good addition to his “therapy” schedule.  He is really thriving.. a far advancement from last year when we were getting admitted back into the hospital for the pleural effusion at this time. 

Lastly, the Be the Match 5k run/walk is this Saturday and Coleson’s Crew is sitting in 3rd place for team fundraising.  I don’t think we’ll reach the number 1 or 2 spot but I am hoping to hold onto 3rd place.  In addition, Be The Match (the bone marrow/cord blood registry organization) is doing a story on Coleson inclusive of a short TV spot on ABC 15.  I’m not sure exactly what time it will air but I think it’s between the 8:00 – 9:00am morning hour on ABC 15, so set your DVRs so you can see us. 

Also, if you are interested in helping us hold on to third place for fundraising, you can donate below:

Or google Coleson's Crew Be The Match.  
(The URL will go to my personal home page which I prefer, google will take you to the team page.)

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